Same Day Scheduled Delivery Service

Xtra Mile Couriers are now offering a same day scheduled delivery services in Central London using its new fleet of zero emissions eQuads. This innovative new service is a great way to get your packages delivered quickly and sustainably.
eQuads are electric assist cargo bikes, specifically designed for urban delivery. Capable of carrying up to 200kg/2000litres, they are cycle lane compliant, so can bypass the busy streets of London traffic and move across the city faster than other vehicles.
If you are looking for a reliable, secure, and sustainable way to get your packages delivered in Central London, our eQuads are the perfect solution.

Discover what an Xtra Mile Couriers business account can offer your business

Check out our range of courier vehicles and services

same day scheduled delivery service
Goods in transit insurance

Want more from your courier service? See what we offer for business accounts.